The Father's House Financially Supports The Following Global Ministries

Rev. Vicki Parlier Ministries

Vicki is the Director and Founder of a two-year Bible School in Guadalajara, Mexico.  She graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1981 and also spent six years working with YWAM in various places. 
Vicki has been a full-time missionary, with FCF, since 1991. She was called to teach the Word of God and set the captives free with the Word of Faith and Truth.
Vicki serves as a Relational Representative for Faith Christian Fellowship International to the Spanish-speaking nations of the world. She has lived in Mexico since 1993 and has visited many other Latin American nations.  God has gifted her as a teacher, spreading Word of Faith teachings to set the captives free. Currently, Vicki is in the process of putting the Bible Institute of Faith (IBF) online in Spanish so that pastors and Christians can have a solid foundation laid in their lives.  The Bible Institute of Faith will consist of three levels and can be completed by the individual according to his/her own time schedule.  Vicki travels and teaches in conferences around the world.
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February 2021
Biblical Institute of Faith