The Father's House Financially Supports The Following Global Ministries


Pastor Ovidiu Starlici: President FCF Romania

This is the Bible verse that is the base of FCF Romania. Everything has started from this.

Our Vision

Jeremiah 1:10 “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”centered on it. Our vision starts with the thought that the Gospel of Jesus Christ shall be preached to everyone under the sun. The ways to accomplish this will vary from: preaching; teaching; aid distribution; children ministries; helping other churches to fulfill their vision and reach their goal; working in orphanages, senior citizens homes, and hospitals.

The vision will be carried out through:

Taking the Gospel of our Lord to the people of Romania through evangelism and developing personal relationships that will glorify God.

Planting and establishing new churches.

Serving as teachers in the churches already established to strengthen and give direction to the churches in need.

Serve as ministers, in the churches were there is no appointed minister, through solemnizing marriages, funerals, baptisms, any other ministry that the body of Christ needs.

Also serve as teachers in different established Bible Schools that are in need of teaching.

Appoint and ordain ministers in order for them to carry out their vision.

Start and support different children and youth ministries all over the country.

Bring in the church the prophetical and apostolic ministries.

Humanitarian Aid distributions for those that are in need, sharing in this way God’s love.

Right Now the vision is carried out through:

Preaching and teaching in different churches.

Serving and preaching in the FCF Church of Halchiu that FCF established in 1999.

One children ministry in the village of Halchiu, were more than 50 children are listening the Gospel every single week.

One youth ministry in the village of Halchiu, were more than 20 youth are listening the Gospel every single week.

Our feeding program where we are in collaboration with HELPS, Inc. from the States. There are approximately 25 - 30 families which include at least 80-100 children that are involved with this humanitarian program. At the present time, approximately 15 families (50 children) are being sponsored.

Aid distribution to the people in need.

Hosting different teams that want to plant seed in Romania with different campaigns focused on spreading the Gospel to children, adults and teaching and preparing leaders on different areas of the ministry.

Around 80% of the people the Starlici’s minister to are of Gypsy background.

They are an unreached group of people that few are willing to minister the Gospel

FCF Romanian Pastor Ovi Starlici and his church are building a home for one of their church members. The family has been living in a rudimentary shelter at the side of a field and has survived one winter there.