



The mission of Zoë Ministries is to provide safety, healing, and advocacy for those impacted or potentially impacted by sex trafficking. In 2019, the Violence and Justice Research Laboratory at Northeastern University School of Criminology and Criminal Justice conducted a study of residential placement programs for trafficking and commercially sexually exploited (CSE) minors. The results of the study were published by BetterCare.org.

The study found that only 17 states had legal provisions for requiring specialized care for child trafficking victims. Delaware is not one of those states.

Based on search and referral mechanisms, only 130 agencies nationwide were identified as providers of services specific to child trafficking victims. Of those 130, only 67 were found to truly fit the criteria of providers for trafficking and CSE minors. None of the providers were located in Delaware.

Twenty-three programs were chosen to complete in-depth surveys. The surveys revealed the following data:

o On average, 11 beds were dedicated to CSE/trafficked youth.

o Only 49% of providers offered long term placement (over two months).

o Only 2 facilities were public.o If no medical condition were noted at the time of intake, 68% of programs would delay entry.

o 4% would postpone entry for a mental health diagnosis.

Hannah’s House will be the first and only provider of specialized long term residential care for confirmed and suspected trafficked minors in Delaware. Zoë Ministries is equipped with highly trained, trauma informed professionals to address the unique needs of trafficking survivors. We anticipate our residents may suffer from mental health conditions and will not delay providing them care. While Delaware victims are given admission priority, victims from other states needing to secure geographical distance from their past can be considered.